Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Holy Move

Oh Father, lift me up. My spirit's low,
And lead me to your pasture soft and warm,
Away from treacherous shoals and labyrinth's woe,
And darkness, smothering will to static forms.
Oh Father, spur my spirit toward the fields
Of light and rest and peace, sweet action's womb.
Produce momentum, in energy do seal
My essence. Repel the vacuum, inaction's tomb.
Oh Father, bind my conscience to your Love,
And fire my will to melt with Yours, then seat,
Me in Your wisdom's throne. And Holy Dove,
Enfold me in Your wings; the void defeat.
Cruel resignation, statis and delay,
Are vanquished by Jehovah's Will and Way.


  1. Carole,
    That's beautiful and speaks my own heart precisely! I also love the new blog design.
    I wish we could meet in person to study the Word, pray and challenge our writing - maybe someday!

  2. Thanks, that is so sweet. Maybe at some point in time. Hope you are well.
